Tuesday 14 May 2013

Which quote is meaningful to you?

1. What problem(s) are you facing?

2. Which quote is meaningful to you?

3. What actions will you take to overcome the problem?


  1. I am not good at making cakes.
    I have learnt from Steve Jobs. He said, ‘If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.’ Persistent is important.
    I will join some cooking lessons
    and buy some cookbooks.

    By Miss Leung

  2. I am not good at making models. I need to learn from Elisabetta Dami.She said "smile,your life will be more better" I will join the modal making class. By Aaron Li

  3. I am not time to study ,I learnt Bruce Lee said,'If you love life, don't waste time,for time is what life is made up of ' I will less to play games and see TV.


  4. I am not good at running.
    I have learnt from Elisabetta Dami.
    She said,'Jump jump,forget the troubles,jump jump,you will be happy.'
    I will continue to run and forget my problem.Because always remember the problem will make you fell unhappy all the time.

    By Louise Lu

  5. I am not good at Maths.When I am having the Maths exam,I will fell very nervous.
    I have learnt from Bruce Lee.He said'You just wait.I'm going to be the biggest Chinese Star in the world.
    I will do more exercise and ask teacher or classmates to help when I don't know how to do the Maths haomeworks.
    By Elizabeth

  6. I am not good at making crafts.
    I have learnt from Thomas Alva Edison .He said” II have not failed , I’ve just found 10000 ways that won’t work.
    I will practice more or join some classes about making crafts.

    By Ashley

  7. I am not good at skipping.
    I have learnt form Elisabetta Dami.
    She said,'Jump jump,forget the troubles,jump jump,you will be happy.'
    I will skiping every time when I can play, because I want to skipping good.
    By Nicholas Kong 5A (10)

    1. t is not the main idea of this quotes.It's mean you need to hard-work.

      Opinion share by Ambrose Tang

    2. It is(I miss a word at start 0w<)

      Correct by Ambrose Tang

  8. I get low marks in the exam.
    I have learnt from Thomas Alva Edison.He said〝I never did anything by accident,nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.
    I will study more and do not play with my brother.
    By Rain Poon

    1. I think you should play less with your brother,but don't never play with your brother.

      Opinion share by Ambrose

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I always feel slepy on the class. Bruce Lee said 'if you love life, don't waste time,for time is what life is made up of'. I should not play and watch TV before doing homework.
    By Dave

    1. I think that making a timetable is more better,because you may have enough time to have a rest.

      Opinion share by Ambrose Tang

  10. I think design is not important,so I can't works smoothly.I had learnt from Steve Jobs.He said"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."So I know design is important for doing works.

    By Ambrose Tang

  11. I always feel angry when I don't want to do somethings.
    I have learnt by Elisabetta Dami.She said'Smile,your life will be more better.'
    I will try to relax when I feel angry.
    By Cassie

    1. It is not good to be always angry when you don't want to do somethings,relax is not the way to solution problem.

      By Ambrose Tang

  12. I am not good at art..
    I have learnt from Elisabetta Dami.
    She said,'Jump jump,forget the troubles,jump jump,you will be happy.'
    I will practice more to make me more better.

    By Tin Lam.

  13. I am not good at sport.
    I have learnt from Elisabetta Dami..
    She said“Jump,jump,forget the troubles,jump jump,you will be happy."
    I will practice more and try to better than the last time
    By Malisa Wong

  14. I am not good at feeling.
    Jump jump,forget the troubles,jump jump,you will be happy
    I will ask my mum how to write a feling.
    By Douglas

  15. I am not good at playing table tennis.I have learnt from Thomas Edison.He said'I have not failed,I've just found 10000 ways that won't work By Vanness

  16. I am not good at playing table tennis.I have learnt from Thomas Edison.He said'I have not failed,I've just found 10000 ways that won't work By Vanness

  17. I am did not time to read english book,I learnt Bruce Lee said,'If you love life, don't waste time,for time is what life is made up of ' I will less to play computer games and play basketball.

    by ken

  18. I cannot find the ways that can be success.
    I have learnt from Thomas Alva Edison.He said "I have not failed,I've just found 1000ways that won't work.
    I need to try more so that I can get some experience so that I can emprove.

    By Shinichi

  19. I alway waste the time.
    I larnt from bruce lee.
    If you love life ,don't waste time,for time is what life is made up of.
    by tony
