Thursday 25 April 2013

komodo dragon

The Dragon

Komodo Dragon live in Komodo Island,Linka island and Yonjaley island in Indonesian inland.They are the biggest lizard in the world.

The komodo dragon is weight upto 300 piounds (160kg) and a length of 10 feet(3 meters) it is the largest documented lizard in the world.

Komodo Dragon can use bacteria to kill the animal.

Komodo Dragon tongue is forked, much like a snakes and it tastge use and scent detecting abilities to scent the aire.  The amazing tongue of the Komodo Dragon is what helps it stalk its prey, detect eventual dangers and find its way on the island it inhabitys.

You can go to here to know more informtion:


Komodo Dragon Video

Komodo dragon on Komodo Island uses its tongue to sample the air


                               Interesting animals--Pangolin     

      Our group is going to tell about pangolin.

   Firstly, they are mammals. They are in brown and they look like hedgehogs. They have small eyes too.

    Moreover they are living in Aisa. If they can't find a large rock to build a home, they will dig a hole instead.


Thirdly, they use their tongues to eat ants. But some pangolin can eat insects like flies.


Lastly, pangolins love climbing trees. They can also roll like a big ball.


Picture 1: the pangolin is eating ants by its tongue.

Picture 2: black pangolin
                                   Picture 3: Pangolin crawling on the grass

Ground Pangolin found in Baringo, Kenya





The Strange Snake TWO HEADED SNAKE

The Strange Snake   TWO HEADED SNAKE   

   This writing is going to talk about Two-Headed Snake.Two -Headed Snake is the special one of all the snake.They are very rare and strange. People can only find them in South America & North America.They will fight when they find the same prey,and who is the winner will eat another head (because their IQ is lower than other snake)and the prey.And mostly they will eat eggs,insects,meat...
    They have diffrent kind of colours.For example:green,orange,brown.As the name implies,they have two heads.Some of them have venom.They use venom to catch preys and repel their enemies.

Why are they amazing?
They have two heads and their tongue can work.They may eat or attack themself because they like to compete.They are deformity and their IQ are lower.

Calamaria septentrionalis


This is a five-headed snake.

Photo and video shared by Eric Yeung

Information shared by Louise Lu, Chan Shinichi,and Eric Yeung 

The most amazing dog--Siberian husky

The most amazing dog--Siberian husky

      The husky looks like a wolf.It has gray,brown,black,bronze or white fur.The male dog's weight is between 45-60 pounds,the female dog is between 35-50 pounds.And the male dog's height is between 21-23.5 inches ,female dog's height is between 20-22 inches.The Siberian husky needs to eat meat and vegetableto give the nutients to them.(Except the food have bovine bone and pig bones,is started moldy,have onion and garlic ect.Don't give the Siberian husky to eat{have the colour one} .)The tail is thick and full of wooly,tail like sweeping brush.
Why are they amazing?
            The Siberian husky is very amazing.Some husky's eyes can be more than one colour , such as one eye is bronze,one eye is dark blue!
         Because the husky has lots of fur, they can stay in cold and windy weathers for a long time .So that they can help people to work.
          The animal is friendly and helpful,they can help people to carry things from one place to another place.Besides friendly and helpful,they are gentle,outgoing,smart,easy to teach and lively too!
           That is why the Siberian husky is the most amazing and special dog!

 Siberian husky

It face 

An Endangered Species-White Tiger

An Endangered Species-White Tiger

           It is found mainly in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian zone.
          It has a pink nose ,two bright blue eyes ,snow white hair and narrow black stripes.
             It's height of 2.9 meters ,weighing about 220 kg.

(Video by Tin Lam)

But white tiger is not a tiger ,it is smaller than it.

(Photo by Chris)

It can swim and run fast ( 1hour 49-65km).

                                  ( )

Why are they amazing?
          They are amazing because they are endangered.On  the Earth ,it just have a few(300)white tiger ,the number is even more rare than the panda so they are amazing.

Amazing animal--chameleon

Amazing animal--chameleon

  The chameleon is a distinctive type of lizards. There are about 85 species. The chameleon is found mainly in the rainforests, savannas, desserts and steppes in a sub Saharan Africa.

  A chameleon may be green, yellow or white one minute, and the next minute it may be brown or black. Chameleons may also become spotted or blotched.
  A chameleon has a long and sticky tongue to catch prey items that they would otherwise never be able to reach with their lack of locomotive speed. 
 A chameleon has teeth to grasp onto food. Its teeth are also used to help them crush and kill their food. It may chew or swallow their food whole.

A chameleon is catching its prey.
(Photo shared by Miss Leung)

  A chameleon can walk and climb. It can also change its colour.

Why are they amazing?
  A chameleon is amazing. They can change their colours. The colour also plays an important part in communication between other chameleons. If it feels scared, it will change its colour and pattern.

                                            (Video shared by Andrew Lin)
                           (Source: )

Information shared by Miss Leung